Emostel Academy is a one-stop center for your learning and development needs. We offer online classes, private lessons (online or on-site), and individual, group, or corporate training cutting across various fields such as Education, Technology, Career, Business, and more.
Develop and manage stunning and world-class website frontend by mastering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, Vue.Js, Webpack, and other trending frontend tech stacks, with several projects to create an attractive job-ready portfolio.
We have been tutoring students of the National Open University of Nigeria since 2007, cutting across faculties of Computing, Sciences, Social Sciences, Management Sciences, and Education. We have produced first-class students and still have more in the making.
Do you want a more personalized experience? We offer home lessons or one-on-one sessions for all the teaching and training services offered at Emostel Academy. Options include: online, on-site, or even both, however it suits you.
iCode Application Form
iCode is a bundle of Tech programs for kids and teenagers. Please fill out this application form for your child (or self) and let's get to know you and how to serve you. All fields marked as "Required" must be filled with the appropriate detail and any other field not having the "Required" mark may be ignored if you prefer to do so. Please email us at study@emostelacademy.org or send a WhatsApp message to +2348141897754 if you have any questions.
Sign In
The password must have a minimum of 8 characters of numbers and letters, contain at least 1 capital letter
Full Name
First Name, Middle Name (optional), Surname
Phone Number
WhatsApp enabled number preferred
Email Address
Valid and accessible email address
Contact Address
Please enter your detailed contact address below. Include a landmark if possible
Birth Date
Enter only the Day and the Month. We may wish to celebrate you on that special day
Age Range
Above 45
Please select the option which applies to your age range
Current Occupation
What do you do at the moment?
LinkedIn Profile
Please enter the link to your LinkedIn Profile.
Portfolio Website
We would be glad to see a few demos of your prowess. This is however optional
Give a brief biography that learners can see about you in your profile
Field(s) of Specialization
Early Childhood Education
Business Development
Life Coaching and Mentoring
Let us know the field(s) you are very good at. You can select multiple options.
Other Specialization
Please indicate your field(s) of specialization if not listed above
Subject(s)/Course(s) You Can Teach
Please start each entry on a new line to form a list
Teaching Philosophy
What do you think teaching should be like? What are your ideologies about teaching? How do you best pass your message to students?
Proficiency in Zoom
Little or none
How proficient are you in using zoom? Can you host meetings effectively on Zoom? Can you make use it the platform's basic and advanced features?
Proficiency in Google Meet
Little or none
How proficient are you in using Google Meet? Can you host meetings effectively on Google Meet? Can you make use it the platform's basic and advanced features?
Proficiency in Word Processing
Little or none
How proficient are you in using Microsoft Office Word, Google Doc, or similar word processing applications?
Proficiency in PowerPoint
Little or none
How proficient are you in using PowerPoint or similar presentation Apps
Proficiency in Microsoft Office and GSuite
Little or none
How proficient are you in using Microsoft Office, Google Suits (desktop publishing apps from Microsoft and Google?
Enter your qualifications separated by comma
Profile Picture
Upload file
Drag file here or click the button.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .pdf
Supported file formats
Please provide a good and presentable profile picture.
Relevant Credentials
Upload file
Drag file here or click the button.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .pdf
Supported file formats
You may merge your documents into a single pdf file